What Is Proofreading & How To Get Paid Over $40 Per Hour To Do It

Did you know you can make up to $40/hour proofreading in Nigeria?

Wait, before we dive into proofreading in Nigeria, what is proofreading? 

Proofreading is the process of reviewing the final draft of a piece of writing to ensure consistency and accuracy in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting before publishing online or otherwise sharing with its intended audience.

Here are the top six facts of the proofreading industry.

Why do Brands need Proofreaders?

Polished, proofread content boosts brand credibility with their customers. A skilled proofreader can help establish a brand as an authority in its field. 

When there is an error in a publication, customers tend to focus on it instead of the message.

In conclusion, proofreading is an important step when preparing a piece of writing for publication and distribution, as grammatical errors are seen as unprofessional. 

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